Reduce airconditioner noise nuisance

If you are experiencing noise nuisance from your own or neighbours air-conditioning units then you are not the only one. Especially in Asia, 4 out of 10 households encounter noise hinder from airconditioning units.

BlastBlock is most suitable to lower the noise from airconditioning so the noise nuisance will be gone.

Outdoor airconditioning noise (compressor)

This unit typically consists of a big fan which predominantly causes the most noise nuisance. You can build a noise barrier with the (all-weather) BlastBlock, thickness 3 mm. Just leave enough space between the small barrier and the compressor to not disturb the airflow and preventing any issues with the airconditioning unit.

It doesn’t only keep the noise away but it also will look a lot better!

BlastBlock - Photo Cover
BlastBlock – Photo Cover

Typically the noise reduction should be up to 50 %! Additionally (optional) you can add sound absorption on the inside of the small barrier to even increase the noise reduction of the air conditioner! For this, there is BlastAbsorb, thickness 50 mm (2″).

Acoustibatt sound absorbing panel NRC 0.90
Acoustibatt sound-absorbing panel NRC 0.90

Indoor noise from the air conditioner

Indoor noise mostly originates from the compressor outdoors, especially the on- and off-switching. It’s a low-frequency impact noise with a relatively high peak noise level. It’s easy to add BlastBlock (3 mm) to the existing wall and eliminate most of the noise coming through the wall.


reduce noisy airconditioner
reduce noisy air conditioner

Please let our acoustical engineers advise you more.